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the Ministries of CCLolo

Serving the body locally.


Grace Kids / OneTribe


Every Sunday morning (except 1 Family Sunday a month), our kids have their own time during the service, where they learn scripture and the important stories of the Bible that explain the foundation of our faith.

Grace Kids are for the younger ones, while fourth through fifth grade have their own group, called OneTribe (Tr1be).


The Rock Youth

Grades 6-12

The Rock Youth Group meets bi-weekly during the school year and seeks to grow our children's relationships with each other and with Christ.  There is always lots of fun, food, and a serious study of what God says about who we are and how we can live righteously in a world filled with negative peer-pressure.


Women's Ministry


The women grow their relationships through multiple topical and biblical studies throughout the year, a weekend retreat to a mountain lake in the fall, a "stay-at-home" retreat in the spring and multiple game nights and special parties quarterly.


Men's Ministry

The men meet weekly for a bible study, monthly for a breakfast, and yearly for a retreat to a lodge in the heart of the Rocky Mountains.  We believe in building relationships through confession among brothers and the study of God's word.  Iron truly does sharpen iron.


Family Ministry

We have multiple events and studies throughout the year that support the family, including a free night at a local waterpark, marriage classes, financial classes, a multi-day father-son adventure float, and multi-generational-women's parties.


While worship is a lifestyle, we consider our time of praise and corporate singing a very powerful way to not only bring honor to our Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but also as a way to bring encouragement to the body as we collectively push back gates of Hell in a spiritual battle.  Our music style is eclectic, with songs you'd hear on the radio as well as old a cappella hymns and choruses.

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We believe in the power of prayer.  We have corporate prayer as well as prayer warriors for more privacy available during Sunday services, a prayer chain who respond to emergencies with prayer, and a prayer group that meets every Thursday night to prayer for the needs of the church congregation, our ministries, and our governments and legal systems.

Local Outreach

We have multiple outreaches happening throughout the year, from a monthly free night of childcare (Parents Night Out), to our Light in the Darkness Halloween event where we have multiple booths around the community, sharing the love of Jesus in very simple and tangible ways.

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